
Tânia Minhós

Tânia Minhós photo
ORCID logo 0000-0003-0183-1343

Tânia Minhós is a Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH) since 2015 at the Anthropology department. She has conducted research in West Africa since 2008, focusing on sympatric primate species with different socio-ecologies to address questions related to their adaptive strategies to the human-led changes in their environments, namely the impacts and drivers of deforestation and hunting. Recognizing the multi-layer dimensions of these challenges, Tânia’s research combines cross-disciplinary data (e.g. genetics, ecology, behavior, social), to address questions related to evolution and adaptation of non-human primates inhabiting anthropogenic habitats and to gain insights on the human-nonhuman primate interactions in fast-changing environments. The ultimate goal of her research is to bring local communities, conservation practitioners, and researchers together to develop strategies aiming at the sustainable coexistence of human communities and nonhuman primates in shared landscapes.