Portuguese Primatological Association

The Portuguese Primatology Association (APP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and promotion of knowledge about non-human primates and their conservation. Founded in 2004 with the aim of bringing together researchers, students and enthusiasts in the various areas of primatology, from evolution to behavior and welfare, among others, APP plays a role in the scientific investigation of our closest relatives, facilitating cooperation between all those working in the field, both in Portugal and abroad.

APP's mission includes not only advancing scientific research in primatology, but also educating the public about the subject, namely the importance of conserving the various species of non-human primates, many of which face high extinction risk due to habitat loss and destruction, poaching and other environmental threats.

The association regularly holds workshops and scientific and educational events that allow its members and the wider public to deepen their knowledge of primates and discuss effective and ethical strategies for their study and protection. In addition, APP collaborates with other national and international associations with objectives similar to its own.

With an ongoing commitment to scientific excellence and ensuring civic and environmental responsibility, the Portuguese Primatology Association plays a vital role in researching and disseminating knowledge about non-human primates, as well as defending their welfare and survival.

APP logo

